October 24, 2015, Iowa City Metaphysical Expo:
Archangel Michael: Tolerance. Do you truly have tolerance for others? Do you always have to be right? We the angels would prefer you choose to be happy over being right. There is wisdom in being the fool. Doesn’t the fool seem carefree? The fool is willing to laugh at his mistakes and even share his stories with others for their entertainment. You need to be willing to be the fool. You must be willing to make mistakes so that you grow into your full potential. Take a risk. You might fall on your face, but you will learn so much! Life is worth savoring, but if you play it safe, you are only sampling one flavor. To us, life is very short. So why not enjoy, discover, learn?
Archangel Chamuel: Within each of you contains a bud. For some of you, that bud has been slowly opening. This is your true self. It is human nature to keep that part hidden and protected. But we all know how beautiful a flower is in full bloom. This beauty exists in every one of you, dear children, but it is up to you to let others see it. I encourage you to be brave and embrace who you are. Even if you cannot show your true self to others, take time to learn whom you really are. Take time to be peaceful and listen. Go for a walk. Remove yourself from the external noise. Find that quiet voice within. Love yourself, so that you can love others.
Archangel Jophiel: I would like to speak to you today about suffering. Know this, dear ones. We do not want any of you to suffer. Our hearts weep with you. We love you completely and unconditionally. But many times we see that you choose to suffer instead of letting go. Do you see how a person can choose to suffer? Often, you suffer when you are not living in the present moment. You dwell on what used to be. You don’t see the beauty that surrounds you, or the kindness of your loved ones. Give your sorrows to me, dear ones. And then think upon what is good in the world. There are cruelties in the world, but there is goodness too. You have the power to choose where you want to place your focus.
Archangel Raphael: I am concerned about the health of all of you. We angels watch you run yourselves ragged. Many times you put yourself last. Please consider doing less. One less obligation, one less meeting. Do you not owe it to yourself to make a little time for you? It is perfectly okay to say no sometimes. Being busy, feeling stressed causes you to make a series of poor decisions. Make it a priority to schedule a little time for you most days of the week. Even a few minutes if that is all you can spare.
Your body is a part of who you are. Take care of it taking time to move every day. Taking a walk, yoga, or any stretching routine is beneficial. Slow and relaxed movements are good for physical and mental health. Also be aware of what you are eating. Savor each bite. I know that each of you has an idea of what foods make you feel good. Make sure you are incorporating those foods into your meals. When you take care of your body, your mental and spiritual health will also improve. Your mind will sharpen and you will feel more peace.
Archangel Gabriel: Darling children, I want to begin by wrapping my wings around you. I feel your hurts and pain. It’s been a tough few months for many of you. Change isn’t always easy for you, I know. Know that I am always here, lending comfort and support. Know that there is a place of infinite love and peace for each one of you. Also know that change can be gentle or it can be abrasive. When change happens in your life, surrender to it. It is the resistance that causes the most pain.
I want to see all of you fly. Embrace your passions and zeal for life. Allow yourself to love. Go on an adventure. Try something new. Get more education. You always have the power of choice. You can choose where you want to place your attention.
Archangel Uriel: There is a lot of chatter in your heads, dear ones. Do you shy away from meditation because you fail at silencing this chatter? It’s foolish to believe that you fail if a stray thought arises during meditation. Meditation is an exercise designed to learn how to hear your intuition and guides in spite of the chatter. It forces you to listen, to be open to receiving. And you may not receive the answer during meditation. It may come much later, but you will know it’s your answer when you have a moment of clarity, of inspiration. We want to help you, dear ones, but you have to be open to receiving our guidance. This is why meditation is so important. Please consider trying meditation for just 5 minutes a day. It will improve your well-being in all areas of your life.
Archangel Zadkiel: You are all multi-faceted diamonds, children. Each facet reflecting light. But as brilliant as you are, you must also think about what face you show the world. Are you being your true, authentic self, or simply reflecting back what someone else wants you to be? I’ve seen your authentic self. It’s as radiant as the sun. Please don’t hide away that brilliance to please someone else. Be willing to be the sun, let everyone feel your warmth caress his or her face.
Many of you have numerous faces: mother, father, sibling, co-worker, boss, caretaker, student. Each role consists of expectations of how you are to behave. Know that these roles are just that-they do not define who you are. Think of yourself as, “I am” because that is a complete sentence. You are enough. You don’t have to be anything else.
A PDF of these messages is available here: Angel Messages – October 24 2015
August 9, 2015, Marion Psychic and Paranormal Expo:
Archangel Michael: Now is the time, dear ones, to be brave. There is a forward momentum that is pushing you to change and grow. In order to do that, you must be willing to let go of what is holding you back. And the more you cling, the more it will hurt you. We do not like to watch you suffer, dearest ones, especially when it isn’t necessary. Pay attention right now to your desires of the heart. If possible, spend some time each day in quiet contemplation. Only you know your true desires. This is a time of surrender. Surrender to your desires. Surrender to the unknown. Surrender to change. You may feel that we are asking a lot of you. We promise that the transformation will be worth it.
Archangel Chamuel: Be free. Do you worry about what other people think? Do you worry about EVERYTHING? I am asking you what will happen if you stop worrying for one moment? Do you think it would be peaceful? Stop. Know that you can resume worrying at any time; it’s there whenever you want it. See how long you can be present-not thinking about the future or the past. Enjoy, savor each moment. Life is glorious! If you are unable to do this yourself, spend some time with children. They do not dwell on the past or the future. It’s all about the now! Be a child. Delight in all 5 senses. Simply take time to be.
Archangel Jophiel: I would like to speak to you today about the great mysteries of life. Don’t those mysteries make life so much more interesting? Be willing to question and continue learning. You will know truth because it will resonate within you. If you haven’t already done so, I implore you to adopt a crystal. Each crystal has secrets to tell if you listen. Just like pets, they are waiting to go to good homes. In fact, we angels can talk to you more easily with the aid of crystals.
Look deep within and keep no secrets from yourself. They will only hold you back. Although you may find dark within, you will also find brilliant light! You are all divine beings, children, capable of anything and everything! Understand this each and every day. Don’t be afraid to shine!
Archangel Raphael: Your health and well-being are incredibly important to me, dear ones. You must strive for balance in your life between physical, mental, and spiritual health. You each know what area or areas you are neglecting. Call on me for help. I will be happy to guide you in the right direction. Set daily goals for yourself. Achievement of these small goals lead to big successes! I ask you today to think of one small goal you can do. Perhaps 5 minutes in meditation? Stimulating your mind with a good book? Taking a 15 minute walk? I promise you, you will be happy with the results of completing these goals!
The words live, love, laugh may seem overused, but these words represent the fullness you can experience with a balanced life. You achieve the physical, mental, and spiritual stamina to face obstacles with strength and grace. And you also can appreciate the moments that make life so rich and worth living.
Archangel Gabriel: Now is the time to stand up for what you believe in. Don’t be complacent. You will find that this is the time for truth. Truth about yourself, truth about the world. Lies will be discovered. You are an infinitely powerful being capable of seeing the truth. Be willing to express your emotions. Be willing to tell someone you love them. Also be willing to set healthy boundaries. Be your mouthpiece for positive change.
I would also like to speak to you about your vibration. If you have a higher vibration, you will find it easier to attract what you want into your life. We angels are a higher vibration. If you raise your vibration, it is easier for us to communicate with you. It is quite easy to raise your vibration. Singing, physical activity, meditation, writing, creating art, cooking, and laughing are just some of the ways you can raise your vibration. It is equally easy to protect yourself from lower vibrations that you frequently encounter in public places, especially places that serve alcohol. Simply imagine yourself in a beautiful ball of golden light. The light lets in the good, but anything negative cannot penetrate this beautiful light. Put on this protection like you do your clothes each morning. You may also call upon any of us angels for protection. We cannot help you unless you ask.
Archangel Uriel: True wisdom comes from multiple sources. You may have received information in the third eye, but the information should also resonate deep within you, in your gut. The body retains knowledge and is a wonderful communicator if you are paying attention.
Archangel Zadkiel: When you are in need of comfort, we are there, spreading our angel wings around you. We are proud to see you try new things. It doesn’t matter to us whether you succeed or fail. What is important is the lessons you learned along the way. Failure usually leads to immeasurable personal growth. Strive for greatness, dear ones, and be willing to fail. You are capable of so much more than you can possibly dream.
A PDF of these messages is available here: Angel Messages – August 9 2015
These are beautiful Stephanie! Thank you so much for sharing them with us and for being that beautiful light we need in this world!